Released 18 April 2019
The Broome Liquor Accord has reached agreement on a series of voluntary liquor restrictions proposed to be rolled out from the start of July this year.
The Broome Liquor Accord consists of representatives from WA Police, local retail licensees and the Shire of Broome, and is supported by a Community Advisory Group of care agencies in the community.
Accord Chair and Broome Shire President, Harold Tracey, said the agreement was the culmination of more than a year of hard work and commitment by the members.
“The Broome Liquor Accord recognises that there is an opportunity to implement a trial aimed at addressing community concerns around alcohol consumption in Broome,” Cr Tracey said.
The Accord also agreed that the roll out of the restrictions was conditional on the implementation of a takeaway alcohol management system across Broome outlets, and the relevant approvals from the State Government.
The Broome Liquor Accord will continue to meet during the 12-month trial period and together with the Police, government departments and community groups and will review data to see if the restrictions have an impact on alcohol-related harm in the community.
“The Accord does not consider the trial to be a silver bullet to address social issues or anti-social behaviour in Broome, but it is a start and demonstrates the commitment of industry to contribute to a solution,” Cr Tracey said.
“As the Shire President of Broome, I acknowledge the commitment from industry to take part in what I believe will be a first for a measured, recordable initiative that will provide informative data and that will determine whether restrictions contribute to the reduction of alcohol related harm in our community.”
The liquor restrictions will limit the daily purchase of alcohol to the following:
2 cartons of mid-strength beer; or 1 carton of full-strength beer and 1 carton of mid-strength beer; or 1 carton of mid-strength beer and 6 bottles of wine; or 1 carton of full-strength beer and 3 bottles of wine; or 1 bottle of spirits and 3 bottles of wine; or 1 bottle of spirits plus 1 carton of either full-strength or mid-strengthMeasures have been included to ensure that tourism operators, pastoralist and those needing larger purchases for parties and events are provided for.
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