Uduc Road Improvement Project
Shire of Harvey 10 May 2019

Works on the Uduc Road Improvement Project will kick-off on Wednesday, 15 May to improve the overall safety and amenity of the street.

The approved Uduc Road Improvement Project will include the following elements:

Drainage Improvements; Reconfiguration of the existing on-road parking bays to maintain the current number of bays; Improvements at the Becher Street intersection to improve visibility and safety at the existing crosswalk including improved lighting at the crosswalk location; ‘Nibbing’ out and line marking improvements in kerbside parking areas to give a narrower road appearance and allow additional space for seating/bike racks and possible landscaping; Removal of the central raised median and constructing a flush median (retaining kerbing around trees); A central median will be overlaid with red asphalt, painted edge lines with decorative bollards installed at 1.5metre intervals; Entry statements, nibs to include flush red asphalt banding (at Young Street and at Hayward Street); Possible reduction of the speed to 40kph (subject to Main Roads WA approval); Improved Landscaping; and Provision of bicycle parking.

Traffic and pedestrian management signage will be in place during the duration of the works and some on road parking may be affected at times. We apologise in advance for any inconvenience that may occur during the course of the works.

General information on the project may be directed to the Shire’s Manager Works and Services, Peter Kay on 9729 0300 or [email protected]

See the Uduc Road Design here.