Community Encouraged to Join Selfie with a Senior Campaign
City of Rockingham 10 May 2019

Community members of all ages are welcome to join in the campaign by taking a selfie of their own with a special senior (e.g. older loved one, friend, family, mentor).

All they have to do is upload a selfie to the City’s Facebook page or website with a short description and the hashtag #AgeFriendlyRockingham for the chance to win $500 cash.

City of Rockingham Mayor Barry Sammels said the aim of the campaign was to help change the way we think about ageing.   “Seniors are the heart and memory of our community so it is vital we celebrate their outstanding contribution,” Mayor Sammels said.

“In the City of Rockingham seniors make up a significant proportion of the community, approximately 16 per cent, so I encourage all residents to find a senior who is special and take a selfie with them.

“By joining in this campaign we can help change the way we think about ageing and remove some of the harmful stereotypes that are associated with growing old.” 

Entries for the Selfie with a Senior Campaign close 28 October with the winner of the campaign to be selected by a judging panel.

The winner will be announced during Seniors Week (11-17 November).