Introduce numeracy skills to your pre-schooler in a fun and playful way at your local library!

Lithgow Library is partnering with the Smith Family to host four free play-based maths sessions for parents and their 3-5 year olds. This is a fun opportunity to begin exploring mathematical concepts with your child, such as measurement, counting, shapes, spatial awareness and more– through play, stories, songs and hands-on activities. Together with the facilitator you will develop your child’s foundational numeracy skills, a love of learning and a positive experience of maths in daily life.

For a large number of us, maths was the one subject we disliked at school and the thought of teaching maths to our children is a scary one. The sessions encourage the parent and child to discover how simple maths concepts can be, through activities utilising everyday objects and play. They also demonstrate just how much we use maths and how easily you can incorporate maths concepts into your child’s daily life.

“Parents and other family carers are their child’s first and most important teachers. If a child likes doing maths-type activities when they are little, then they are more likely to do well at school in maths. Young children learn best through play and investigation and that is what this program is all about,” said Mayor Cr. Ray Thompson.

The program consists of four weekly 1 hour sessions at Lithgow Library starting at 10.30am Friday 31 May 2019. Bookings are essential as places are limited. Please contact Lithgow Library on 63529100 if you and your child would like to participate.