Whitsunday Regional Council is developing a Bushfire Management Plan for the Collinsville and Scottsville area, west of Bowen.

A draft Plan has been prepared and Council is now asking for feedback from residents, ratepayers, stakeholders and Traditional Owners to ensure all needs and concerns have been considered.

Mayor Andrew Willcox said Council, as a major landowner in the area, has a responsibility to manage bushfire hazard in the region.

“We are working closely with the Queensland Fire and Emergency Services and rural fire brigades in the development of this Plan,” he said.

“Our main goals are to protect life and property, and to ensure a consistent approach to bushfire management from all parties.”

The draft Plan identifies locations for bushfire hazard and reduction, lists roles and responsibilities for bushfire management and outlines bushfire mitigation tasks.

Community Consultation will be open until 5pm, Friday 21 June 2019 and feedback can be submitted online at Your Say Whitsunday, by post or in person at the Collinsville Customer Service Centre.

Once the consultation period has finished, feedback will be considered and the Bushfire Management Plan will be finalised and presented to Council for endorsement.

To find out more and submit your feedback online, visit our website Your Say Whitsunday at https://yoursay.whitsundayrc.qld.gov.au/

Bushfires are a natural part of the Australian landscape and have the potential to cause serious social, economic and environmental damage, if not managed correctly.

Whitsunday Regional Council takes bushfire management in our region very seriously. We work closely with the Queensland Government and local fire brigades to manage the fuel loads on Council-managed land and nearby State Forests and National Parks.

The key purpose of bushfire management is to reduce the risk to nearby residents from wildfires.

For media enquiries, contact: Joanne Vlismas, Engagement & Marketing Coordinator 07 4945 0614, 0428 954 467 or Email: [email protected]

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