The City of Ballarat’s Business Services Unit is strongly supporting the town’s traineeship programs.
Since 2016, the unit has employed four administration trainees, with three remaining in employment following the course’s completion. The fourth was offered continuing employment but elected instead to travel overseas.
Successfully completing their 12-month traineeship in BSB30115 Certificate III in Business through the Graduate Business School Ballarat and registered with MEGT, and continuing on in employment with the City of Ballarat’s Business Services Unit, were:
Maddy Love (2017) – now employed in Council’s Property division Olivia Harwood (2018) – now employed in Council’s Traffic Administration team Sheanda Chew (2019) – currently completing her traineeshipCity of Ballarat Business Services Director Glenn Kallio said the trainees were moved around Council’s business units to obtain extensive experience across the entire organisation.
The current trainee, Sheanda, is responsible for some Council supply ordering and is located at both the Ballarat Aquatic and Lifestyle Centre, Meals on Wheels, Records and Business Services at different times of the week to carry out general administrative tasks.
“When positions do become available close to the end of their 12-month traineeship, they have an extensive knowledge of how nearly all of Council’s administrative services work,” Mr Kallio said.
“We think it’s a win-win situation – we get fantastic young new employees eager to learn and they get invaluable workplace experience.
“It’s been fantastic that we have been able to employ so many of them as they finish their traineeship with a nationally recognised qualification and help keep young Ballarat people in jobs.”