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City of Swan 14 Jun 2019
Five ways to revamp your verge

Published on 14 June 2019

The City of Swan is implementing a range of initiatives to help residents get creative and make the most of their verges.

Residents can freshen up verges by using mulch, trees, edible gardens and water-wise plants. Using the right soil type also makes a difference to the health of verge gardens.

In exchange for your recyclable goods, a limited quantity of free shredded mulch is also available at the City's Recycle Drop-Off Days and Bullsbrook Recycling Centre.

The City makes mulch by shredding all the green waste it collects to give it a second life.

In some instances, residents can also request that the City plants a free tree on their verge. Trees improve streetscapes by providing shade, improving air quality and offering habitats and food for native animals.

City of Swan Mayor David Lucas said there is information on the City’s website to help residents who are interested in improving their verges.

“You’ll find tips and tricks to keep your verge healthy and happy, including how to make a verge garden and information about verge parking,” he said.

“Beautifying your verge has a flow on effect for the whole street, so it’s a great way to show pride in our community.”

Other ways to improve your verge include using waterwise or native plants which use less water than traditional lawn verges and can eliminate the need for fertilisers. They save money and improve environmental values, by preventing nutrients from entering local lakes and creeks, which in turn improve the water quality of the Swan River and other waterways.

Converting verge lawns to waterwise gardens is estimated to save around 20,000 to 40,000 litres of water per year per lawn.

Vegetable or fruit gardens, often referred to as edible gardens, are also allowed on verges, subject to approval by the City.

Altone Ward Councillor Andrew Kiely said verges are a fantastic opportunity to make our streets more attractive and more sustainable.

“Waterwise verge gardens use less water than lawn and can also help to reduce the urban heat island effect,” he said.

“I strongly encourage our community to get involved and help to make the City of Swan even more vibrant and green.”

For more information about improving your verge, go to www.swan.wa.gov.au/verges.