Mayor Andrew Willcox and Councillors voted unanimously at Wednesday’s 19/20 Budget meeting to give ratepayers who own residential dwellings, residential flats and multi self-contained residential units a choice when it came to their water billing.

Mayor Willcox had delivered on an election promise as part of his first budget in 2016 allowing residents to choose between the then existing two-part water tariff or to opt-in to an allocation tariff.

However, court proceedings against another Queensland Council caused Council to withdraw the opt-in option last year.

That court decision has since been resolved on appeal, and letters giving an option to change from the current Two-Part Tariff have now been sent to all Whitsunday ratepayers with residential properties.

The Allocation tariff option is not available to residential vacant land, Commercial or non-ratable properties.

Ratepayers who wish to opt-in to the allocation system have until July 3 to do so, now extended from the previously advised June 21.

Any eligible resident who misses the July 3 deadline will get another opportunity to opt-in or out during a three-week period in March 2020 for the following rating year.

The water billing options are:

Two-Part Tariff The two-part tariff mechanism has two pricing components including a water access charge of $570.00 which is the amount Council charge for the access to Council’s water supply system, and a consumption charge for the amount of water used. The consumption charge is billed at 99c per k/l used per day and $1.78 per k/l thereafter.

Allocation Tariff The allocation tariff provides for a flat charge that allows the land owner to consume a set amount of water before excess consumption charges are levied.

The allocation tariff will be $900 and covers both the water access and allocation of 700kls per annum and will be charged on the half yearly rates notices issued in July 2019 for the period July to Dec 2019 and January 2020 for December 2019 to June 2020.

If the allocation tariff is taken up it will be for the period from June 2019 reading to December 2019 and these notices will be issued in Jan/Feb of 2020, then December 2019 reading to June 2020 reading.

If the users go over the allocation amount for the year the excess water will be charged at $5.60per k/l.

Water use calculator

As a guide to assist residents in deciding which option best suits their requirements, Council has a Water Use Calculator on its website.

Residents requiring further information can either call 1300 972 753 or drop into any of Council’s Customer Service Centres in Cannonvale, Proserpine, Bowen and Collinsville and one of our friendly staff will assist.

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