Whitsunday Regional Council would like to remind dog owners that all dogs must be on a leash in parks, reserves and foreshores within Whitsunday Regional Council boundaries except those that are designated ‘off lead’ areas.

Council’s Local Law in relation to the effective control of dogs requires that a person must not bring or permit an animal to be brought into a public place unless the animal is under the person’s effective control. This is for the safety of your dog and for people enjoying the area.

Mayor Andrew Willcox said that he does not want to see someone seriously hurt by way of a dog attack.

“We have had a number of complaints from the public recently and urge all dog owners to be responsible for their animal.

“Our Local Laws are in place to ensure the safety of our community and visitors.

“It’s important for dogs to be under effective owner control at all times, including the designated dog off-leash areas” Mayor Willcox said.

“If your dog shows any signs of aggression or anti-social behaviour, they are not allowed in dog off-leash areas or in public without being appropriately controlled.”

Division 2 Councillor Ron Petterson said the trial off-leash dog area at the western end of Cannonvale Beach was removed due to the real risk of a dog causing threat, annoyance or injury to those utilising the adjacent playground area.

“Whilst I appreciate the desire for dog owners to be able to have a safe area where they can allow their dog to enjoy a run and a splash, there also needs to be a balance between community safety and community leisure,” he said.

“I will always consider safety of our residents to be the overriding priority.

“At Wednesday’s Council meeting, I moved a motion to activate a new off-leash dog trial area at Cannonvale Beach which was carried unanimously by my fellow councillors.

“The new trial area consists of the sanded area at the Eastern end of Cannonvale Beach and the hours are identical to the hours that were previously at the western end being 5:00 - 8:00am and 5:00 - 8:00pm. Additionally, a section of Galbraith Park, Cannonvale has also been activated.

“I implore all dog owners to make themselves aware of the new area boundaries and operating hours,” Cr Petterson said.

“The success of this trial hinges upon respect for the rules so together, let’s make Cannonvale Beach a place for all to enjoy including our four-legged friends.”

Council’s website has a list and detailed maps showing the approved dog-off leash areas for the community to refer to. Visit http://www.whitsundayrc.qld.gov.au/413/Dog-off-leash-locations Anyone unsure of their obligations should contact Council’s Local Laws section on 1300 WRC QLD (972 753).

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