Cardinia Shire Council adopts 2019-20 Budget

At last night’s Council meeting, Cardinia Shire Council adopted the Budget and Council Plan for the 2019–20 financial year.

Cardinia Shire Mayor Cr Graeme Moore said Council’s strategic planning framework is designed to deliver key outcomes for the community in a financially sustainable manner.

“We thank everyone who took the time to give feedback on the draft budget.

“The budget reflects our prudent financial management, and will enable more than $60 million of capital works as well as maintaining or enhancing all of our vital community services.

“Council’s budget will deliver on important infrastructure works including recreation, leisure and community facilities, as well as roads, drains, footpaths and parks, opens space and streetscapes,” Cr Moore said.

It also includes funding for a number of major projects including:

James Bathe Recreation Reserve development McGregor Road and Pakenham Bypass interchange upgrade Lang Lang Community and Recreation Precinct facility Comely Banks Recreation Reserve pavilion Koo Wee Rup Secondary School sports facility upgrade Bunyip soccer facility.

Community services are also planned for in the budget, including support for aquatic and recreation facilities, child and family services, community recreation, libraries, maternal and child health, youth services, community development, the environment, and economic development.

In line with the Victorian Government’s rate capping policy, general rates will increase 2.5 per cent, with the residential garbage charge remaining unchanged and the green waste charge increasing marginally.

The draft Budget 2019–20 went through a community consultation process to hear community feedback. In response to submissions received, $316,000 in additional funding was provided to the Capital Works Budget 2019–20 for the following projects:

IYU Recreation Reserve athletics facility design and construction Officer District Park masterplan implementation Worrell Recreation Reserve Officer Recreation Reserve and pavilion.

Also in response to public budget submissions, Council has decided to make public event booking and public market space hire fees exempt for non-for-profit and community organisations.

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