Frankston City’s successful Mumpreneur workshop series is on again this July and August, allowing parents and carers to bring their children to play on site, as they learn about innovation and running a small business.

Lisa MacGregor, founder of the popular Peninsula VineHop Festival said workshops like the Mumpreneur series were vital in order for parents wanting to start a small business, to succeed.

“It’s great to see Frankston City Council host workshops like the Mumpreneur series, which are affordable and allow local start-ups access to valuable resources and Council contacts,” said Ms MacGregor.

“I’m fortunate to work part-time out of the Frankston Foundry co-working space, which allows me to create a network of fellow entrepreneurs - however start-ups often begin around the kitchen table. 

“During my first year in business I worked from home with a new baby, and I really missed the support of a 'normal' office environment and the advice and direction that colleagues can offer.

“Workshops like the Mumpreneur series can really help break that isolation that business parents can feel and help guide their business through its next leap.

“Now in my third year of business I'm pretty excited to be able to run both Peninsula VineHop Festival, and also launch a new wine and music event.

“The Mumpreneur workshop series is an awesome opportunity to develop your business idea or strengthen your start-up with some business know-how from an experienced mentor in a classroom environment. It helps to inspire mums (and dads) to take their business to the next level,” added Ms MacGregor.

Frankston City is one of the fastest growing regions for start-up entrepreneurship in Victoria. It is home to over 8000 CBD businesses whose creativity, innovation and skill is centre to our growing economy and future prosperity.

With outcome-designed initiatives successfully supporting and encouraging businesses of all kinds, Frankston City has emerged as the ideal location to live, work, learn and play.

Frankston City Mayor, Michael O’Reilly said the Mumpreneur workshops support the growing number of entrepreneurs who are looking to juggle starting their own businesses from home, as they take care of children.

“Statistics reveal more and more Australian parents are interested in running their own businesses from home,” said the Mayor.

“This trend is largely referred to as Mumpreneurs, originating from stay at home mothers using the internet to connect with other parents and create their own position in the market place.

“Over time this trend has evolved, to include stay-at-home dads and many different types of businesses. We want to help these emerging entrepreneurs to put their best foot forward and to have all of the tools that they need to succeed.”

Council’s Mumpreneur workshops will run over five weeks and include different topics, including:

Know your product – Turn a luxury into a necessity Know your customers – Do you really know what they want? Get comfortable with your pricing – Your price dictates where you sell Tell everyone about your business – Think outside the box I know my business – Present your business/Show and tell

“The workshops are family-friendly and cost just $20 per session to attend. Dads and carers running businesses from home are also encouraged to attend,” added the Mayor.

The Mumpreneur workshop series is presented by Frankston City Council with the support of the Victorian Government.

Bookings and more information is available at

Further information on the Peninsula VineHop Festival is available at

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