Burdekin Shire Council will spend $5.1 million delivering and upgrading waste services and infrastructure in the 2019/20 financial year whilst continuing to keep charges to ratepayers to a minimum.

Mayor Lyn McLaughlin said Council had allocated significant funds in the 2018/19 Budget to improve Council’s compliance with existing licence conditions at the Kirknie Road Landfill and that 2019/20 should see the completion of the required capital compliance works.

“Council has budgeted $250,000 to construct and complete earthworks, levelling and drainage works at the Kirknie landfill site. These works will include filling low lying areas of the site to minimise water ponding and potential for leachate generation in the previously unlined trenches,” Cr McLaughlin said.

Funding has also been allocated for the construction of drainage structures and earth bunds to facilitate drainage in accordance with the Kirknie Stormwater Management Plan.

“Other minor projects that have received funding include the construction of two new ground water monitoring bores budgeted at $15,000 and the construction of a concrete sump for leachate ponds 1 and 2.

“The construction of these new bores is a win for the environment, as they will allow Council to monitor the quality of water in the underground and will give Council greater control in monitoring the risk of potential environmental degradations.”

The monitoring bores will complement the four current bores which were installed in the 2018/19 financial year.

Meanwhile, construction of the sump will improve Council’s ability to pump out and clean the ponds for ongoing maintenance and repairs. The new process will also be much more efficient and cost effective than the existing method.

Cr McLaughlin confirmed residents of Clare and surrounding areas will be able to continue visiting the Clare Transfer Station seven days a week on a permanent basis.

“Following Council’s decision to open the Clare Transfer Station as an unmanned facility in 2017/18, I am pleased to confirm residents will continue to benefit with Council budgeting $26,500 towards the annual operation of the facility.

“Residents should note however that incorrect use or abuse of the facility will cause the Council to review the services provided.”