Snowy Monaro Regional Council will conduct liquid trade waste inspections of non-residential customers in Bombala, Cooma, Delegate and Nimmitabel.

Inspections will start from July 2019 for premises that discharge liquid trade waste into Council’s sewerage systems in these areas.

For non-residential customers in each of these areas, Council will ensure compliance through the Liquid Trade Waste Regulation as approved by Council at its Thursday 6 December meeting.

Implementation will be undertaken in the following stages:

Stage 1: During July 2019 to June 2020. Free inspections will occur, that will include an education component for each customers.

Stage 2: July 2019 to June 2020. Receipt and assessment of S68 Liquid Trade Waste Applications. Note applications fees shall apply. No annual fee or trade waste charges will apply.

Stage 3: July 2020 onwards. Annual fees and trade waste charges will apply, relevant to the type of discharge identified in the inspection stage.

Council at its 17 April 2019 meeting adopted the following: •SMRC Liquid Trade Waste Policy •The plan of action as per the table below.

Bombala and Delegate: Application and inspections not undertaken but charges have been applied to “Large” and “small” dischargers which is not clearly defined. •2019 July – Large and Small discharge charges will be removed •2019 July – Application fees will apply •2020 July – All trade waste charges as per the fees and Charges will apply

Cooma and Nimmitabel: Not commenced. •2019 July – Application fees will apply •2020 July – All trade waste charges as per the fees and Charges will apply

Adaminaby, Berridale, East Jindabyne, Jindabyne: Fully implemented with charges applying as per the 2019 Revenue Policy •Status quo remains and all charges will apply as per the 2020 Fees and Charges

What is liquid trade waste? Trade waste is a liquid waste produced by a business, commercial or industrial activity. It excludes domestic waste from a hand wash basin, shower, bath or toilet.

Liquid trade waste discharges to the sewerage system include liquid wastes discharged from business/commercial premises (e.g. beautician, florist, hairdresser, hotel, motel, restaurant, butcher, services station, supermarket, dentist); community/public premises (including craft club, school, college, university, hospital and nursing home); industrial premises; trade activities (e.g. mobile carpet cleaner); and any other commercial activities.

Liquid trade waste excludes toilet, hand wash basin, shower and bath wastes derived from all the premises and activities mentioned above; wastewater from residential toilets, kitchens, bathrooms or laundries (i.e. domestic sewage); residential swimming.

Sewerage systems cater for waste from domestic sources, generally of predictable strength and quality.

Council may accept trade waste into its sewerage system as a service to businesses and industry.

Liquid trade waste may exert much greater demands on sewerage systems than domestic sewage and, if uncontrolled can pose serious problems to public health, worker safety, Council’s sewerage systems and the environment.

A person wishing to discharge liquid trade waste to the sewerage system must under Section 68 of the Local Government Act 1993, obtain prior approval from Council. This applies to both new and existing trade waste discharges.

Discharging liquid trade waste without an approval is an offence under section 626 of the Act and a discharger who fails to obtain Council’s approval or fails to comply with the conditions of approval may be prosecuted under section 120 (1) of the Protection of the Environmental Operation (POEO) Act 1997.

In addition Council may issue a penalty notice under section 227 of the POEO Act. For any enquiries please contact Council’s Liquid Trade Waste Officer on 1300 345 345.

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