News Alert |
Ballarat (City) 3 Jul 2019

Victoria Park will be a dry zone for Spilt Milk, apart from the event itself which will have a temporary liquor licence.

Victoria Police and event organisers recommended a 72-hour alcohol free zone in Victoria Park outside the event area to try to prevent anti-social behaviour.

At its 3 July Council Meeting, Ballarat City Council voted in favour of the recommendation:

Pursuant to clause 56.1 of the Community Local Law 2017, designate the Victoria Park environs, excluding the licensed footprint for the Spilt Milk event, as a dry zone in which the carriage and/or consumption of alcohol is prohibited for a 72-hour period spanning the conduct of the Spilt Milk event;

a. The 72-hour dry zone period to commence from 12am the day before the scheduled event.

b. The dry zone period to encompass for the 2019 event scheduled for 30 November, and to include any potential future annual Spilt Milk events held in the Victoria Park location.

2. Consistent with the application of clause 56.1, authorise Council Officers to place such notices and signs on or in the vicinity of Victoria Park as are appropriate to advise the public of the alcohol-free zone.

3. Authorise Council Officers to implement an appropriate media strategy to communicate the intent and effect of the application of these proposals to the public and emergency services.

4. Not issue any temporary liquor licences around the Victoria Park precinct for the period encompassed by the Spilt Milk events; with exemption of the Spilt Milk event liquor licence.

It is expected imposing Victoria Park alcohol restrictions during Spilt Milk will help provide a safe and enjoyable experience for those attending the event, general park users and residents in the immediate area.

Kick Entertainment, together with the City of Ballarat, is bringing the music, food and art festival to Ballarat from Canberra for the first time this November.

The event is expected to attract over 20,000 spectators between 11am and 11pm on 30 November.