The 2019 Not-for-Profit Treasurers' Awards are open and we're writing to encourage you to participate in this free recognition and awards program. The Awards are designed to recognise the contribution that not-for-profit treasurers make to their community group, the not-for-profit sector as a whole and to Australian society. We would, once again, love your help to celebrate our community treasurers. This year, you can take part in the 2019 Not-for-Profit Treasurers' Awards in one of two ways: - You can nominate anyone who has served as a treasurer of an Australian not-for-profit organisation at any time in the past 12 months; or - For your chance to win one of three $5,000 donations to your not-for-profit, simply tell us what could make your job as a not-for-profit treasurer have an even greater impact on your organisation. Every nominated treasurer will also be awarded with a 2019 Not-for-Profit Treasurers' Awards Certificate of Appreciation. For more information about this year's Commonwealth Bank Not-for-Profit Treasurers' Awards, visit our website:
Hurry, nominations close 11am AEST, Friday July 26, 2019. We look forward to reading all of the entries and nominations.