Whitsunday Regional Council is supporting the region’s two local Guide Dogs and their handlers by cracking down on ‘bad’ dog owners.

By keeping pets under control and on a lead in public places, Whitsunday residents can help our local Guide Dogs and their handlers travel around the community safely.

Mayor Andrew Willcox said responsible pet ownership was very important for the safety and security of residents and their pets.

“It is absolutely vital that all our residents can feel comfortable walking down the street, visiting the shops and enjoying our wonderful beaches and parks,” he said.

“We must remember that being a responsible pet owner means being able to control your pet by lead or voice command when out and about in the community.

“This applies to all public areas, including our off-leash dog areas at various locations around the region.

“I will also stress that all pets, even those on leads, must not approach or interact with a working Guide Dog and their handler as any interruptions to the Guide Dog’s concentration can pose a danger to their safety.

“Council’s Local Laws team monitor our public spaces and will be issuing on-the-spot fines to any person who doesn’t show ‘good’ dog owner behaviour.”

Guide Dogs Queensland’s Services Manager, Lee Buckingham, said residents need to remember not to pat or feed Guide Dogs, even while they are resting, and to always speak directly to the person and not the Guide Dog.

“Guide Dogs have a huge impact on a person’s life and they can completely transform the way someone navigates through their local areas, like shopping centres and bus stop routes,” he said.

“We know everyone will be very excited to meet the local Guide Dogs but we need everyone to give them lots of space to perform their important roles.”

Further information about correct Guide Dog etiquette and responsible pet ownership can be found on Council’s website at http://www.whitsundayrc.qld.gov.au/685/Responsible-pet-ownership

For more information, please visit Council’s website or speak with a member of our Local Laws team on 1300 WRC QLD (972 753).

For media enquiries, contact: Joanne Vlismas, Engagement & Marketing Coordinator 07 4945 0614, or 0428 954 467 Email: [email protected]

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