Did you know Evolution Mining’s Mt Carlton operation located between Home Hill and Bowen produced the Gold used in the 2019 Lexus Melbourne Cup trophy?

Communities and schools in the north of the Whitsunday Region will have the opportunity to see and to hold the prestigious 18-carat gold trophy when it visits Bowen, Merinda and Gumlu this week.

Mayor Andrew Willcox said it will be a memorable experience for the community and one that allows residents the opportunity to experience the 2019 Lexus Melbourne Cup in person.

“Welcoming the 2019 Lexus Melbourne Cup to our region carries an even greater significance with Evolution Mine at Mt Carlton producing the gold to make this year’s cup,” Mayor Willcox said.

“This year’s trophy also represents the 100-year anniversary of the three-handled ‘Loving Cup’ design, first won by Artilleryman in 1919.”

“The Lexus Melbourne Cup Tour gives the regional areas a chance to be part of Australia’s racing history and I invite everyone to join us at one of the free community events.”

The community are welcome to attend the following events: • Ben Bolt Park Racecourse at 11am on Thursday 25th July. Includes a presentation on ‘How the Cup was made’, complimentary tea, coffee and morning tea. RSVP for catering to [email protected]

• Grandview Hotel in Bowen from 6pm to 8pm on Thursday 25th July. RSVP’s to [email protected] with your name, contact details and number of guests. This free event is hosted by the Whitsunday Regional Council and Evolution Mining, with drinks and canapes provided. Meet special guests from the Victoria Racing Club, including former foreman of Bart Cummings, Joe Agresta. Raffle tickets will be available on the night with all proceeds donated to the local Children’s Chemotherapy Ward recently added to the Bowen Hospital.

The 2019 Lexus Melbourne Cup will also be making visits to the Bowen Information Centre, the Gumlu State School, the Merinda Primary State School and the Bowen High School.

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