Media Response |
Ballarat (City) 24 Jul 2019

The application at 906 Lydiard Street was for a 20 dwelling and 20 lot subdivision in a General Residential site with no overlays.

Following a community consultation meeting, the applicant revised plans which were again circulated to submitters.

These included increased setbacks to the ground and upper floors, particularly for the dwellings fronting Lydiard Street and the dwellings to the rear adjacent to Marks Reserve. 

The central core was amended to include extra landscaping, including canopy cover. 

Plans were also provided to demonstrate adequate vehicle movement.  An arborist report was also provided which would consider existing street trees and trees within the reserve during any development.

Submitters to the proposal upheld their objections at a second meeting.

However, upon Planning Assessment under the General Residential Zone a notice of decision to grant a planning permit was made.

Overall, the revised plan was considered a positive outcome by providing a good setback from the street, while landscaping to the front and along the internal accessway allows the development to comfortably integrate with the street. 


This area of Ballarat North does not have adopted significant neighbourhood characteristics and the large underused lot with little physical constraints offers an opportunity for increased housing density.

Objectors have until 1 August to lodge an appeal at VCAT.