24 July 2019 - Media release

Road Management Plan Updated

Changes to the Campaspe Shire Council Road Management Plan are set to come into effect following a comprehensive review and period of community consultation.

The plan is a significant strategic document for both council and the community because it details the inspection regime, defect intervention levels and repair response times for council’s extensive road network and all related assets.

The quality standards set out in the plan assist council to manage roads and assets so they are fit for purpose and inform the community of how it deploys its resources to achieve this outcome.

Campaspe Shire maintains a network of 1,150 km of sealed roads, 2,100 km of gravel roads and 800 km of earth roads. It also looks after a range of road-related assets including footpaths, shared paths, bridges and culverts, signs, roadside vegetation and drainage pit lids.

The plan has been amended to align with new insurance advice, current policy, operational objectives and available resources.

Key changes to the plan include:

simplifying the document so it is clearer and easier to read rewording of some defect response descriptions improved intervention levels for some assets updating of the Register of Public Roads.

The updated Road Management Plan is available to view at council’s customer service centres or online at https://www.campaspe.vic.gov.au/.

Petition Response – Traffic Control Investigation of Allan Street, Kyabram

In line with a report by an independent traffic engineer / road safety expert, council has agreed to deliver several traffic control treatments to the Allan/Saunders/Dawes intersection in Kyabram, once funds become available. This follows a second investigation commissioned by council in response to a petition requesting installation of a roundabout at the intersection.

The treatments for future funding consideration include removal of the existing kerb outstands in Allan Street on both sides of Dawes Road – Saunders Street, installation of two kerbed pedestrian refuge islands in Allan Street and upgrading street lighting with lanterns to illuminate both refuge islands.

These treatments are in addition to a number of initiatives council is already undertaking to improve the intersection, including extending the no-stopping area on the south side of Allan Street, between Saunders Street and number 84 Allan Street.

Council has also applied to VicRoads to lower the speed limit from 60km/hr to 50km/hr on Allan Street, from McEwen Road to Church Street.

An earlier report on the intersection prepared by the same expert consultant noted that a roundabout, while having some benefit, was not the recommended solution based on the complexity of the intersection, and potential impacts on pedestrian movement and driver behaviour.

Petition Response – Request for Footpaths in Landsborough Street, Echuca

Council has agreed to consider for funding as part of the 2020/21 Capital Works Program, the construction of a footpath in Landsborough Street, between Heygarth and Anstruther streets, Echuca.

This follows an investigation by council officers in response to safety concerns raised by residents because of a lack of footpaths in the area.