The peak tourist season is well and truly upon us, with as many as 300 visitors walking through the doors of the Charters Towers Visitor Information Centre (VIC) on any given day.  In 2018, the VIC recorded over 28,000 visitors through the doors over the course of the year. 

There is great variety in the type of visitors attracted to our beautiful part of the world and it’s thanks to the team of passionate VIC volunteers that the centre can provide a quality service to our diverse tourism market.  From providing knowledge about local businesses and attractions, to telling the story of what makes our region interesting for those visiting; our VIC volunteers offer valuable promotion of what is on offer for visitors to our region.  

In return for the time they generously give, VIC volunteers are given wonderful opportunities to develop their skills and experience, including certified training, regional familiarisation tours and networking events.

The Visitor Information Centre is currently seeking new volunteers and Youth Ambassadors (ages 16+), to provide valuable assistance in promoting the Charters Towers region.

If you’d like to know more about becoming a volunteer or Youth Ambassador at the Visitor Information centre, stop by the VIC on Mosman St and have a chat to the friendly staff and volunteers.  Alternatively, you can call the centre on 4761 5533 or visit here for more details.

- Councillor Sonia Bennetto, Deputy Mayor

OGG 26 July 2019