Charters Towers Regional Council adopted it’s 2019/2020 budget today in a special meeting of Council.

The Budget, themed ‘Building our Future’, takes a balanced approach to ensure the sustainability and viability for the Region.

Mayor Liz Schmidt said she believes the 2019/2020 budget meets the needs of the Region.

“The budget provides continued investment in maintaining and improving critical infrastructure, whilst considering the economic realities for our Region and impacts on our ratepayers, residents and businesses, particularly in light of recent environmental impacts where the Region has experienced both drought and flood conditions.”

2019/2020 will see the continuation of rate capping on various rate categories following the significant changes in land valuations of some properties which took effect on 1 July 2018.

On average, Council general rates will increase by 3.56%, with over 56% of all properties experiencing a maximum increase of 2%.  Almost 70% of residential properties will be subject to a maximum increase of 2%.

Utility charges will increase by 2%, however as a result of the Queensland Waste Levy, non-residential properties will be impacted by an increase in waste collection costs.

Council’s Capital Works Program for 2019/2020 is conservative at $11.7m, with the key focus on maintaining existing infrastructure and providing the best possible service to the region within budgetary constraints.

Some of the key projects include:

$4.076m for the Roads Capital Works Program $17m in Flood Damage Restoration works (year 1 of 2) $550,000 in various open space upgrades through Works for Queensland funding $1.7m in plant replacements $800,000 in water main replacements and improved metering of Council’s standpipes (supported by Works for Queensland) Completion of the Water Infrastructure Upgrade Program including commissioning of the upgraded FEJ Butcher Water Treatment Plant

“As a Council we will continue to seek out the best opportunities to enable the Region to prosper and grow and encourage future investment,” said the Mayor.

OGG 26 July 2019