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New infrastructure and programs to encourage more people to be more active, more often, will be rolled out in Kangaroo Flat and Long Gully over the next year as part of the Healthy Heart of Victoria, an initiative of the Loddon Campaspe Regional Partnership that aims to improve health outcomes for residents living in Central Victoria.
City of Greater Bendigo Active and Healthy Lifestyles Manager Lincoln Fitzgerald said through the initiative $300,000 in funding has been approved for new infrastructure and activation in Greater Bendigo.
“The funding will be used to install outdoor fitness equipment, solar lighting and improve walking trail connections in both Kangaroo Flat and Long Gully,” Mr Fitzgerald said.
“The new outdoor exercise equipment will be installed along the Bendigo Creek Trail near the Browning Street Oval in Kangaroo Flat and at the Long Gully Recreation Reserve near the children’s playground.
“The Long Gully Recreation Reserve is well visited by local families who use the splash park in the warmer weather and the children's playground all year round. The fitness equipment will face the play areas to allow parents, grandparents and carers to use the fitness equipment while still supervising their children.
“We are working with Coliban Water to install a new drinking water fountain and bottle refill station on the Bendigo Creek Trail near the Browning Street Oval to provide the water needed for users of the trail, the oval and the outdoor fitness equipment.
“New solar lighting will be installed around the oval and the car park in Long Gully and along the Bendigo Creek trail in Kangaroo Flat to increase safety for users. The lighting will increase the hours residents are able to use the facilities in the colder months when it gets darker earlier.
“Our region has high levels of heart disease, obesity and cancers, which could be prevented by living a healthier lifestyle. By installing this equipment and making it easier for people to access it we hope to encourage more people in the community to become active and to eat healthier.”
The works are expected to commence later this year.