Help shape the future of community infrastructure in Hampton
Bayside City Council 30 Jul 2019

We are planning a new precinct in Hampton to connect all current community services and facilities.

Like all of Melbourne, Hampton is growing and changing. We expect the population of Hampton to increase by over 20% in the next 20 years.

With more growth, ageing population and young families moving to Hampton we need to plan for the future.

Currently, several of Hampton’s important community services are operating at different locations in buildings which are not all built for their current purposes, restricting both the services we can deliver and in some cases preventing the opportunity to grow in order to meet future community needs.

In previous consultations we have asked locals what they value most about our current community services and facilities in Hampton.

Based on community feedback, we’ve developed two preliminary options to create adaptable, contemporary spaces to house all current community services in Hampton, including:

Libraries  Early years services and facilities Seniors programs Parks and playgrounds built for all ages and abilities.

Now we want to hear from you, choose your preferred option at:

We will use your feedback to progress to the next step of the planning process where there will be further opportunities for you to participate in determining the future heart of the Hampton community.

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