Resignation of Councillor Robert Bennett
City of Busselton 30 Jul 2019
Resignation of Councillor Robert Bennett

Published on 24 July 2019

Cr Rob Bennett has officially resigned from the City of Busselton Council due to ill health.

First elected to Council in 2013, Cr Bennet served his community for six years contributing to the realisation of many major projects and successful Council initiatives.  An active and popular Council member, Cr Bennett’s particular interest and expertise in local history, heritage and culture were a recognised asset.

In announcing his resignation, Cr Bennett thanked fellow Councillors for their friendship and support.   "Serving on Council has brought many rewards. I’ve seen enormous change across the municipality during my two terms in office and while this required some tough decision making, I have always put the best interests of the community first. I’m proud of what I’ve been able to bring to the table and acknowledge the fine efforts of the successive Councillors I’ve had the privilege to serve with and City of Busselton Officers.”

Cr Bennett has been on leave of absence from Council since March this year. “It is with a heavy heart that I formally tender my resignation,” he said.  “However, I have a very serious personal battle ahead of me and must focus my time and energy on my health and the happiness of my family. I want to thank all those people who have supported me since my cancer diagnosis earlier this year. It’s been enormously challenging but I have taken great strength from the support of my partner Norma Andrews and my family. The well wishes of friends and community members have also given me great comfort.”

Cr Bennett impacted positively on many aspects of Council business. He served on the Busselton Historical Society and was Chair on the Busselton Settlement Art Project.  He was the elected representative on a number of committees and working groups including Council’s Policy and Legislation Committee, the Busselton Jetty Reference Group, Busselton Senior Citizens Centre Board, and CQ University Busselton Regional Advisory Group. He also supported the Busselton Sugito Sister City Relationship through his role on BASSCA.

Cr Bennett was a part of many milestone achievements including the Busselton Foreshore redevelopment, opening of Barnard Park Sport Pavilion and the Busselton Margaret River Airport expansion and new freight hub. He supported initiatives such as Busselton Skate Park and YCAB building, Busselton Waste Transfer and Recycling Station and construction of the new Civic and Administration Centre.  He was also pivotal in advancing the Settlement Art Project which was spearheaded by his good friend and former Councillor the late David Reid.

In accepting Councillor Bennett’s resignation Mayor Grant Henley thanked him for his outstanding contribution. “Rob was often the one who asked the tough questions. He was dogged and determined in his pursuit for fairness and this was an excellent quality to bring to Council. His humour, attention to detail and naturally enquiring mind will be sorely missed.”

This now vacant position on Council will be filled at the next Local Government Elections which will be held in October this year.  

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