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Ballarat (City) 31 Jul 2019

City of Ballarat Chief Executive Officer Justine Linley will hand down her CEO’s Operational Report at the July 31 Ballarat City Council meeting.

The report highlights the key achievements, projects and events delivered by the City of Ballarat including:

Ballarat Winter Festival, which featured the Winteractive Arcade, Ballarat Activated Artwalk and the popular ice-skating rink Ballarat Research Hub at Eureka, which involves relocating the Public Record Office Victoria’s Ballarat Archive Centre to the Eureka Centre’s new hub Mount Pleasant Kindergarten official re-opening Hearing augmentation installed at City of Ballarat venues National Reconciliation Week at Ballarat LibrariesOngoing community consultation includes: Bakery Hill and Bridge Mall Urban Renewal Project, with stage two of the community engagement process completed and a draft plan available for public comment next month Ballarat Integrated Transport Plan, with rail and walking discussion papers released for community consultation Affordable Housing Strategy with a targeted workshop held in June with community housing associations, service providers and developers

Ongoing projects, initiatives and works:

Girrabanya Integrated Children’s Centre upgrade, with stage three works completed in June Melbourne Renegades WBBL side to return to Ballarat on November 23