Beautiful beaches, parks, reserves, thriving shopping villages, cultural events, all this and more is at your doorstep in Bayside, one of Australia’s most desirable places to live.
Wherever you look, you’ll see your rates at work to make Bayside a better place to live now and into the future.
Council’s strong and sustainable financial position has enabled us to focus on the things that are important to the community and improve the lives of our residents. We will do this while remaining debt free, one of the very few governments at any level to achieve this.
As a result a record $62.2 million investment in community infrastructure continues Council’s accelerated program to build a better Bayside. We are committed to delivering facilities that meet the needs of our residents of all ages and interests.
Contemporary early years’ facilities, libraries and amenities to support a range of sporting activities, along with shopping village upgrades and improvements along the foreshore will ensure Bayside remains a great place to live for generations to come.
Bayside has complied with the Victorian Government’s 2.5 per cent rate cap for 2019/20. The cap applies to the average annual increase in rates and the municipal charge. Your rates may increase by more or less than 2.5 per cent depending on movements in your property value compared with other properties in Bayside.
Illustrating rates
Council engaged local illustrator Gregory Baldwin to create a simplified explanation of how rates are spent.
“I tried to get the many services and functions Council provides while including the right imagery that fits with Bayside’s bright and healthy lifestyle, showing the great place it is to live,” Mr Baldwin said.
With rate notices arriving soon, Council has reviewed its rates content on our website to make it easier for rate payers to access the information they seek.