Recently we surveyed residents on how you want to be kept informed of local news, events, people and places. The overwhelming preference was email, so this week we have launched a new, weekly email newsletter.
Mayor Cr Heffernan said Council strives to keep the community well informed and provide opportunities to actively participate in council decision making processes.
“We are always looking for new ways to connect with residents. We’re excited about this new opportunity to share our good news and invite your feedback.
“We’ll keep it short with links back to our website to learn more about the things that interest you most,” Cr Heffernan said.
The newsletter will highlight new and improved Council services, opportunities to have your say, community events and festivals coming up and provide updates on major construction projects.
This will complement the popular Let’s Talk Bayside magazine, which will continue to be delivered to Bayside households every two months.
For those who prefer to keep in touch with us through social media, we also have a Facebook page. Search ‘Bayside City Council, Victoria’ and like our page to keep up to date.
When something happens in your local neighbourhood you can expect to see signs and when there are disruptions or changes being made near your property or in your street you will receive notification in your letterbox.
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