Statement on the Lost Trades Fair

Published on 14 August 2019

Council has held discussions with the Lost Trades Fair organisers in recent months as they explored future options for the event.

The Lost Trades Fair is an annual event which showcases traditional, rare and unusual arts and trades. It draws around 8,000 people per day to Kyneton Racecourse on the Saturday and Sunday of the March Labour Day weekend each year.

Council has been working to identify an alternate venue within the shire which could accommodate a larger crowd as required by the organisers.

However a venue which satisfied all of the owner/operator’s requirements could not be found.

Each year Council works with and provides support to local groups keen to start new events in the shire. Many of them, such as the Lost Trades Fair, have grown to be very successful independent events which attract many people to our shire.

Council provided $6,000 through its Community Funding Scheme and additional support which led to the staging of the first Lost Trades Fair, held at Council’s Kyneton Museum.

We look forward to continuing to work with the fair’s owner/operators to identify any future opportunities concerning lost trades in the shire and building on that legacy.