Construction on Bowen’s $25.4 million Sewage Treatment Plant is past the halfway mark, with the new plant on track to be switched on in December this year.

The new plant will double the capacity of the existing infrastructure and cater to a population of up to 14,000 people.

The project is currently in the civil and building stage of the construction, with over 2km of pipework recently installed within the site compound.

The construction is now also entering the mechanical stage where equipment manufactured offsite is being delivered and installed.

“We are running on time and on budget, making huge headway on this major upgrade for Bowen residents,” said Whitsunday Regional Council Mayor Andrew Willcox.

“Once the plant is built, we will begin the testing and commissioning process in December 2019, and by May 2020 all construction works on site will be fully completed.

“The new plant’s upgraded technology will produce Class A recycled water which can be reused to irrigate Bowen’s parks, ovals and golf courses.”

The upgraded plant will not only benefit residents, it will greatly benefit the natural environment by releasing a higher quality of treated water into Edgecumbe Bay and the Coral Sea.

The plant design will benefit the nearby residents with reduced odour emissions and low noise impacts.

“My Council has made a significant commitment to the people of Bowen with this important upgrade,” Mayor Willcox said.

“We have committed $16.4 million to this project, which has been supplemented by very welcome funds from the Federal Government.”

The Bowen Water Recycling project is part-funded ($9 million) by the Australian Government’s Building Better Regions Fund which targets infrastructure development in regional areas.

To find out more about the upgrade, visit Council’s website at

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