Landholders are being urged to report pest animal sightings and damage in the wider Wide Bay Burnett region using FeralScan.
FeralScan is app-based technology that allows landholders to report pest animal sightings and damage quickly and easily through either their mobile phone, tablet or computer.
Developed by the Centre for Invasive Species Solutions, FeralScan is used throughout Australia to map the presence of invasive species including wild dogs, Indian mynas, feral pigs, rabbits and many more.
The information captured by the app will be used by the Wide Bay Burnett Regional Organisation of Councils’ (WBBROC) Invasive Species Advisory Committee to inform future operational activities across the wider region.
WBBROC Chairperson and Gympie Regional Council Mayor, Mick Curran, said that reporting of pest animals can assist local governments with identifying areas where they are causing the most impacts, enabling more effective control programs to be developed and implemented. “Through funding from the Queensland Government as part of the Better Partnerships Project, the region’s local governments are working across administrative boundaries to identify opportunities for landscape scale control activities,” said Mayor Curran.
To download the FeralScan app, visit and follow the links.