The NSW Electoral Commissioner requires local Councils to review the number of electors enrolled within each Ward, to ensure that no more than a 10% variance between the largest and smallest Wards appears.

Council has identified a variance greater than 10% between the number of electors enrolled in the Rosehill and Dundas Wards. Therefore a draft Ward Boundary Proposal to address this variance will be placed on public exhibition for 42 days. 

Maps of the ward boundary are below:

For a larger view, see the City of Parramatta Ward Boundaries (changes proposed to Rosehill and Dundas Wards).

For a larger view, see the Aerial view of the proposed ward boundary changes.

The Ward Boundary Proposal intends for residents within the dotted red line be transferred from Rosehill Ward to Dundas Wards.  This will see a transfer of 2,119 electors from the Rosehill Ward into Dundas Ward with an end result being:

Rosehill Ward: 26,546 electors Dundas Ward: 27,636 electors

This will rectify the 10% variance.

All submissions should be directed to: [email protected].

Submissions close 10am, Monday 21 October 2019.