Bellingen Shire’s Dorrigo Swim Centre looks to delay its opening of the pool by up to a week.

The Dorrigo Swim Centre was due to open this Saturday 28 September but due to water restrictions and therefore extra attention needed to clean the facility, this has meant that the pool may be delayed in its opening by up to a week.

Due to level 3 water restrictions across the Shire, the Dorrigo pool was not able to release as much water as intended so to minimise the amount of water needed to top it up more time is needed to chemically clean the pool water to bring it up to safety standards before opening it up to the public.

Council is also very cognisant of the fires still being fought on the outskirts of the Bellingen Shire and needs to make water provisions to support the RFS, if and when required, in their efforts to bring the Bees Nest fire under control which has seen more than 93,000 hectares destroyed.

For anyone wishing to brave the still chilly waters of the Bellingen pool, you can do so during the following times:

Monday to Friday – 6am to 6pm Saturday – 9am to 6pm Sunday – 9am to 5pm

Council would like to thank the public for their understanding with regards to the delay in opening the Dorrigo pool.

For more information, contact Bellingen Council on 6655 7300 or email [email protected].