The City of Wanneroo continues to responsibly manage its budget and total assets as one of the fastest growing local government authorities in Australia.

Mayor Tracey Roberts said the City had almost $3billion in assets (2017/18) and continued to demonstrate prudent and responsible financial management in delivering the services and facilities that communities needed.

“The City was able to take pressure off rates by securing $46.4million in grants, subsidies and contributions for 2017/18,” she said.

“There are challenges, rewards and great responsibility attached to governing a rapidly growing council and the City’s ability to contain the rates rise to 1.8%, the lowest in a decade, is testament to the City’s practical financial management.

“At a recent business breakfast, the Western Australian Treasurer Ben Wyatt MLA praised and acknowledged the City’s ability to limit the rate increase to 1.8%, considering the growth and capital demands the City faces.

“The City’s annual financial reporting continues to be recognised for its quality and transparency.

“The City received four awards over the past four financial years in the Australasian Reporting Awards which measure excellence in annual reporting.

“Receiving three gold and one silver in the awards was recognition of our openness and accountability to ratepayers and residents, the people the City works on behalf of.

“The Australasian Reporting Awards recognise high-quality coverage of all aspects of the ARA criteria.

“Award winners must provide full disclosure of key aspects of core business, address current legislative and regulatory requirements and be a model for other reports to follow.”

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