A new entry statement leading into Proserpine and upgraded footpaths, lighting and new street furniture in Proserpine’s main street will start being installed next Monday 30 September.

Whitsunday Regional Council’s $3.8 million upgrade of the Proserpine Main Street will be delivered in stages to reduce the impact on businesses in the main street.

Beginning at the end of the Main Street near the Bruce Highway, the first stages of the works will take place between Fuljames Street and Chapman Street.

Mayor Andrew Willcox said Council had committed to stopping major works during December in the lead up to Christmas.

“We understand the impact of these works on the crucial Christmas trading period for our main street businesses, so we will avoid major footpath and parking disruptions during December,” he said.

“We will also be delivering the job in-house with Council’s own Roads and Parks teams, which is a great outcome for our local community.”

Council will have a site office set up at 40 Main Street during the works and regular updates will be provided to businesses and the community throughout the works.

The concept plans for the upgrade aim to reinvigorate and improve the town’s points of entry from the Bruce Highway, footpaths, street furniture, lighting, landscaping and signage.

Division 3 Councillor, John Collins, was pleased to see the much-anticipated project underway.

“We will be giving Proserpine a well-deserved facelift and along with our planned upgrades of the Proserpine Entertainment Centre and Council Administration Building, there will be a lot of activity happening over the next year,” he said.

The Proserpine Main Street Upgrade is expected to be completed by mid 2020, weather permitting. To find out more, visit Council’s website at https://yoursay.whitsundayrc.qld.gov.au/proserpine-main-street-upgrade

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For media enquiries, contact: Joanne Vlismas, Engagement & Marketing Coordinator 07 4945 0614 or Email: [email protected]

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