The Draft Local Strategic Planning Statement (LSPS) is Council’s 20-year vision (2016-2036) for land use planning for the City of Parramatta. We are seeking community input into the draft vision, with the aim of working together to decide how we would like to see our city grow; to be a thriving place to live, work and play now and into the future.
Our city vision
“In 20 years, Parramatta will be a bustling, cosmopolitan and vibrant metropolis, the Central City for Greater Sydney. It will be a Smart City that is well connected to the region, surrounded by high quality and diverse residential neighbourhoods with lots of parks and green spaces. It will be innovative and creative and be well supported by strong, productive and competitive employment precincts. It will be a place that people will want to be a part of.”
The population of the City of Parramatta is expected to double over the next two decades. To prepare for this major population growth, Council has developed four Planning Priorities to guide the proposed 20 year vision. These include:
Local planning Housing and jobs are delivered as infrastructure is built Local infrastructure (community facilities, open space and recreation facilities) are delivered to support growing communities Public transport options are expanded Liveability A greater range of housing types are provided A commitment to increase the availability of affordable rental housing Productivity Jobs are delivered in line with population growth and industrial land is protected New transport options such as the light rail will make getting in and out of the city easier Sustainability Areas of environmental importance are protected Heritage is protected Our local identity is preserved.Draft Local Housing Strategy (LHS)
To ensure the Draft LSPS addresses future housing supply appropriately, Council has prepared a Draft Local Housing Strategy (LHS). A number of Growth Precincts (either state or Council led) concentrate much of the growth at Camellia, Carter Street, Epping, Granville, Parramatta CBD, Parramatta North, Parramatta East, Melrose Park, Telopea, Wentworth Point and Westmead. These precincts will be the focus of new housing and will align with major transport hubs and infrastructure delivery.
Our housing vision
“Our housing maximises accessibility to the City of Parramatta’s thriving economy so that all benefit while also meeting housing needs and championing innovation, quality design and environmental performance. Our neighbourhoods are welcoming and green—celebrating our past and our diversity.”
Have Your Say
Council is now seeking feedback on the Draft LSPS and Draft LHS.
Visit Council’s engagement portal where you can read the full Draft LSPS and Draft LHS or a summary of each. The engagement portal will also have a survey to collect your views on specific aspects of the Draft LSPS and Draft LHS. The summary and survey are both available in Arabic, English, Hindi, Korean and Simplified Chinese. Community members who would like to take the survey in these languages can click the ‘Have your say’ button on the engagement portal and select their preferred language from the dropdown menu. Submissions close 5pm, Monday 11 November 2019.
Visit City of Parramatta’s Engagement Portal
Copies of the Draft LSPS and Draft LHS will be also be available at each of our libraries and at Council’s customer contact centre, 126 Church Street Parramatta.
Submissions can also be made via email or post:
Email: [email protected]
Post: LSPS Project Officer (and quote Ref. No. F2019/02833 in your letter)
Chief Executive Officer City of Parramatta Council PO Box 32 Parramatta NSW 2150