Calling all event organisers, help bring the bang to our upcoming events season in Bayside.

For the first time, expression of interests (EOI) for holding major events in the City of Bayside are now open, jump online and apply today.

Locations have been selected based on area, suitability for events, parking and traffic considerations and minimising the likelihood of impacting residential amenity.

Events that are cultural, charitable or cause-related which are conducted for the purpose of attracting revenue, support, awareness and/or for entertainment purposes, and include the general public, are encouraged to apply.

The EOI process is focused on capturing community groups, charities, traders associations and commercial businesses and encouraging them to actively work together to provide local events that will benefit the Bayside community.

We will be accepting EOI applications all year round. Once a particular event location has exhausted its frequency of use (as approved by Council), no further applications will be approved for that location.

For further information on the EOI process please read the EOI Guidelines and to see the full list of locations visit Bayside Events locations.