As part of Queensland Mental Health Week (7 – 13 October), taking time for your mental health will be the focus of Council’s annual Wellness at the Coast event next Friday.

Local organisations are once again collaborating to bring the event to the Capricorn Coast community this month to encourage people to value and promote mental health and wellbeing, whilst also tackling the stigma of mental illness.

Community Development Councillor Jan Kelly said this year’s event would include a sausage sizzle, chill-out coffee area, yoga, workshops and musical entertainment alongside a variety of information and resources about overall wellness and mental health.

“This free community event has evolved into more than just raising awareness about mental health. It has also become a celebration around making and taking time for ourselves and one another,” Cr Kelly said.

“People of all ages and abilities, take part in the event’s activities including school students, young families and our senior citizens and I strongly encourage everybody to get involved.”

About half of all Australians experience mental health issues in their lifetime and about one in five Australians experience a mental health issue in any one year.

“Mental health is important for every single one of us, yet it is a part of life that is often overlooked. Busy lives get in the way of us caring for our mental health, as does a fear of feeling vulnerable should we reveal our mental health challenges,” Cr Kelly said.

“That’s why this event is an opportunity to shine a spotlight on what all of us can do to look after our mental health and reach out to those who need support.

“Mental health can affect anyone. If you are suffering from mental health issues, or know someone who is, please talk to your local GP or visit the Capricorn Coast Hospital and Health Service.

“Alternatively, one of our wonderful staff members located at The Community Centre in John Street Yeppoon can also direct you to the best available support services.”

Wellness at the Coast will be held on Friday 11 October at the Yeppoon Lagoon Precinct. Starting with Yoga at 9am, the rest of the event will run from 10am – 2pm.

Council would like to thank its partners – CQ Mental Health and Alcohol and Other drugs Service (CQMHAODS), CQ Rural Health and Livingstone Suicide Prevention Leadership Group, Capricorn Coast Landcare Group, and Live Life Pharmacy for their support in hosting this event.

DID YOU KNOW? Research shows there are six simple actions we can all take to improve our moods, build resilience, boost wellbeing and lower the risk of developing mental health problems. They are Connect, Be Active, Keep Learning, Give, Take Notice and Care for the Planet. These simple actions are internationally recognised as the Wheel of Wellbeing*

Regularly practising these actions is beneficial for everyone: Take time to be active – it’s good for your mind as well as your body Take time to learn – learning new things can make you more confident as well as being fun Take time to give – Practicing small acts of kindness, volunteering time, or simply helping a friend in need can help you feel more satisfied with life Take time to connect – spending time with other people is important to everyone’s mental wellbeing Take time to enjoy the moment – Paying more attention to the present and the world around you helps relieve stress and makes you feel better Take time to care for our planet – keeping our planet in shape is the best recipe for world wellbeing.

Go to or for more information.

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