The City of Wanneroo’s recently adopted Transport Strategy 2019/20 aims to create a more balanced and sustainable integrated transport and planning system.

Mayor Tracey Roberts said the Transport Strategy 2019/20 is the City’s response to community aspirations for sustainable transport as outlined in the City’s Strategic Community Plan.

“The Transport Strategy is a long-term, high-level document that outlines eight broad principles to achieve a sustainable transport future,” Mayor Roberts said.

“This will assist with climate change by reducing transport-related emissions, establishing pedestrian-first environments, a prioritised cycle network and well connected employment precincts among other planning principles.

“Currently 80 per cent of the City’s working residents travel to work by car and 23 per cent of residents driving to work from the City of Wanneroo travel more than 30 kilometres.

“We are all responsible for our environment as individuals and as a community and I encourage everyone to limit their car use where and when possible.

“Just one Wanneroo resident driving 30 kilometres to and from work will generate the same emissions each year as 15 residents travelling by train and ten by bus.

“Changing our mindset and our travel behaviour can make a significant difference to vehicle emissions so I also urge residents to embrace technology that reduces our reliance on private cars, for example, ride share and pool cars when you can.”

The strategy’s eight guiding principles are:

Place-based land use and transport planning - aligning land use, development and transport in communities; Pedestrian-first environments - establishing urban environments that prioritise pedestrians; Prioritised cycle network - establishing a cycle network that is fast, direct and as safe as possible; Convenient public transport - improving the convenience of public transport to make it a competitive option; Effective freight network - alleviating road capacity to prioritise the efficient movement of freight; Well-connected employment precincts - developing precincts that are connected by a range of transport options; Travel behaviour change - encouraging a change of mindset about using a range of transport options; and Embracing technological change - embracing new technologies to provide innovate alternatives to private cars.

The Transport Strategy 2019/20 can be viewed by clicking here or at the City of Wanneroo Civic Centre during office hours.

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