Stepping up to the Walk to School challenge

Primary schools across Cardinia Shire are stepping up to the challenge of walking, riding, skating and scooting to school this October for Walk to School 2019.

Cardinia Shire Mayor Councillor Graeme Moore recently joined last year’s Cardinia Shire Walk to School winners, Lang Lang Primary School, to launch this year’s event and encouraged all families across the shire to walk, ride, skate, or scoot to school where possible.

“Participating in Walk to School is a fun, social and healthy way for kids and families to incorporate being active into their everyday lives,” Cr Moore said.

“Getting to school in an active way is great for getting the body and brain ready for a productive day! It’s also a great social activity for families, and has many health benefits.” 

This year, more than 18 schools will be getting active and participating in friendly competition with each other.

All participating schools will go in the draw to win great prizes, including skateboard lessons delivered by the YMCA for up to 150 students and a sports day delivered by Aligned Leisure.

There are also two great prizes for students to win, including a $250 gift voucher from Life of Bikes and a $100 gift voucher from Sports Power Pakenham.

For families who wish to partake in Walk to School but do not live within walking distance from their school, Council is encouraging the use of ‘Stop and Drop zones’. 

Stop and Drop zones are a signposted location, up to a kilometre away from the school's entrance, where parents are encouraged to park and then walk, ride, scoot or skate with their children to school. Council suggests that students leave the zone by 8.30am to get to school on time. 

Schools are also supporting students who cannot walk, ride, skate or scoot to school by encouraging them to complete laps of the school basketball court or oval before school.

Proudly supported by Cardinia Shire Council since 2010, the VicHealth campaign aims to help Victorian kids increase their daily physical activity to improve their health.

“Council is proud to be supporting and facilitating VicHealth’s Walk to School campaign in Cardinia Shire for the ninth year running. Last year we saw over 7,000 local students walk, ride, skate or scoot to school in October – let’s see if we can beat that record this year!” Cr Moore said.

Council’s Walk to School selfie competition is also happening again in 2019, with all entries going in the draw to win weekly prizes!

Students and families can participate in the Walk to School selfie competition by sending their photos with their name, contact details and the location of the photo to Council’s Active Children Officer by email – [email protected]

Entries into the Walk to School selfie competition close 5pm, Friday 1 November 2019.

For more information, visit

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