It’s time to vote for your favourite sale to claim the title of NSW’s favourite garage sale.

At this weekend’s Garage Sale Trail, a $350 cash prize is up for grabs for the most popular sales in each state, so make your vote count.

With more than 40 sales registered in the Snowy Monaro, there’s plenty of variety at each sale and plenty of really exciting items on offer.

The weekend extravaganza is an opportunity to put second hand first, and support our community groups and schools.

COOMA RSPCA HUGE GARAGE SALE 128 Bombala Street, Cooma Saturday 19 October 9am - 4pm & Sunday 20 October 9am - 1pm •Currently #2 most popular garage sale in Australia! Add your vote here:

COOMA LITTLE THEATRE CAR BOOT SALE Monaro Avenue, Cooma Saturday 19 October 9am - 2pm •Items including treasures from the costume department!

COOMA MEN’S SHED Bradley Street, Cooma Saturday 19 October 10am - 1pm

JINDABYNE OP SHOP 19 Gippsland Street Jindabyne Saturday 19 October 10am - 2pm

JCS SECOND-HAND MARKET + RAFFLE 8 Park Road Jindabyne Saturday 19 October 10am - 2pm •Raffle, BBQ and cake stall. Funds raised for class iPads, and a STELR Sustainable Housing Engineering Kit.

MASONIC LODGE COOMA 82 Massie Street, Cooma Saturday 19 October 9am - 2pm

MHS LEOS COOL CLOTHES AND BRILLIANT BOOKS Monaro High School Saturday 19 October 9am - 2pm •All proceeds going to the Australian Lions Children's Mobility Foundation

Shoppers can map out sales they’d like to visit over the weekend for free by searching the map and creating a Trail at

Don’t forget to vote for your favourite sale on the trail and give them a chance to win the cash prize.

If you haven’t already signed up to the Garage Sale Trail you register via the below link, then start clearing out those closets and get ready for a fun day meeting the neighbours, clearing the clutter and even making a few dollars.

For more details, contact Snowy Monaro Regional Council’s Resource and Waste Education Officers on 1300 345 345.

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