Owning a dog is both a great pleasure and great responsibility. Lithgow Council is keen to educate pet owners on their responsibilities.
When taking their dogs out in public, dog owners need to ensure their pets are properly restrained and all dog litter is picked up and properly disposed of.
A Dog caught wandering incurs a penalty infringement notice of a minimum $220.00, and if a dog attacks by way of rushing, bites, harasses or chases any person or animal they will incur a penalty infringement notice of a minimum of $1,320.00.
Lithgow Mayor Ray Thompson said today “Responsible dog owners also need to ensure their dogs are restrained in public places including parks and public footpaths. Dogs should be secured within their own backyard. They are also responsible for cleaning up after their dog.”
Owners should also check any signage before taking their dogs on to playing fields as they may be prohibited. If they are permitted they still must be restrained and owners must clean up after them. “It is highly irresponsible to leave dog litter on a playing field for someone to tread in or even fall in. If offending owners are caught, they will be issued a penalty infringement notice of $275.00” added Mayor Thompson.
Dogs are required to be restrained in all public places with the exception of prescribed off-leash areas at:
Endeavour Park, Lithgow Montague Street , Lithgow Lake Wallace, Wallerawang Williwa Street, PortlandMayor Thompson concluded “Dog owners should also consider whether they take their dogs to large public gatherings such as Halloween. They can get into fights and defecate in areas of high foot traffic. This can affect the enjoyment of other people at the event.”