Snowy Monaro Regional Council will spend more on roadside weed control than ever before in continued efforts to minimise the impact of weeds on the region’s agricultural and environmental sustainability.

At the Ordinary Council Meeting on 17 October, Councillors voted in favour of increasing the roadside weed control budget to record levels.

“The community has made it clear they want and expect the management of roadside weeds and at the 17 October meeting, Council provided that commitment,” Council’s Biosecurity Manager Brett Jones said.

Council’s adopted 2019/2020 roadside weed budget of $460,000 has been significantly boosted following a stringent tender process that indicated a budget in the order of $715,000 is required to appropriately manage weeds along with the region’s extensive road network.

Mr Jones said roadsides are identified as high-risk pathways for the spread of weeds.

“Vehicles and machinery are renowned for carrying weed material from one area to another and depositing it along roadsides,” Mr Jones said.

“Councils in their capacity as roads authorities have the responsibility for managing resultant infestations.

“In recent years, we’ve had to commit additional funds to manage the spread of new weeds, such as Chilean Needle Grass, Coolatai Grass, Ox-eye Daisy and Spanish Heath.” A report the 17 October meeting attributed the increasing cost of tackling roadside weeds to a number of factors. These include the incursion of new weeds in the region, seasonal conditions and increased operating costs.

“Roadside safety is paramount, whether it be Council staff or contractors who are working on our roadsides. As a result, Council has increased its traffic control funding,” Mr Jones said. Council has divided the Snowy Monaro into six contract areas to ensure adequate coverage of the region’s road network.

At the 17 October meeting, Council awarded the roadside weed control services to: McMahon’s Earthmoving and Tree Services (north-west region), Buckley’s Rural Services (south-west region), Stone Bros Forestry and Rural Contracting (southern region), Rippers Rural Services (south-east region) and Southern Slopes Weed Services (eastern and northern regions).

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