Council will undertake an environmental impact study to ensure wildlife and native vegetation are protected during the refurbishment of Rickett's Point Teahouse and the extension of operating hours at night.
Council will ensure that the placement of lighting will not affect the habitat of fauna living in the flora around the teahouse, whilst maintaining safety for patrons leaving the facility at night.
Council has commenced the statutory procedure under Sections 190 and 223 of the Local Government Act to seek feedback on the tenant’s proposal to upgrade the facility in return for a 21 year lease.
Residents will have another opportunity to make submissions which will be considered at a Special Committee of Council meeting on Wednesday 26 February, 2020.
The current tenant has proposed an internal refurbishment of the Teahouse and will maintain the existing footprint of the building. It is also proposed to include a dinner service as part of the extended hours of the new lease.
For background on the Rickett's Point Teahouse project, visit Council’s website