Snowy Monaro Regional Council has approved a new senior leadership structure designed to steer a stronger and more sustainable organisation that better serves and meets community needs.

The restructure is part of a major organisational review and redesign after a number of significant issues affecting Council’s efficiency and overall effectiveness were identified.

The former management structure was considered too tall, costly and did not assist the organisation to be flexible and able to effectively work across functions.

Chief Executive Officer Peter Bascomb said the restructure was necessary to ensure Council had the right level of technical and management skills needed in order to improve future capability and performance.

“Under our new structure there are both key management and strategic focused positions,” Mr Bascomb said.

“We are creating a senior leadership team who will include highly competent specialists with the right experience and expertise to assist in advising councillors and myself.”

The restructure has involved the reorganisation and redesign of some senior roles and functions with new chief positions being created. A number of transfers and redundancies will be offered.

Council’s approval of the new structure follows an extensive six week staff consultation period where employees were encouraged to have a say on creating an improved and sustainable organisation. Over 100 submissions were received and reviewed.

“The unions, Consultative Committee, and staff have all had an active voice throughout the feedback process which has aimed to keep everyone well informed,” Mr Bascomb said.

“An area of particular concern during the consultation was the proposed centralisation of our existing administration pool.

“After considering all feedback on this issue we will continue with a decentralised approach at this stage, on the provision the organisation redesign objectives are being achieved.

“This outcome, along with some other amendments, is an excellent example of genuine consultation in action.”

Council will undertake further organisational redesigns with the new structure expected to be fully implemented by June 2020.

Council will continually monitor the performance of the organisation and make further changes as required. For example, there is likely to be a need for some changes in response to the recently announced Special Activation Precinct, particularly once it is in full swing in 2021.

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