New fans for Cardinia Life Published: 26 November 2019

Cardinia Shire Council is excited to announce it will be installing 48 new fans to service all courts in the basketball stadium at Cardinia Life.

These improvements come as a result of Council’s own planned improvements schedule and customer feedback received over the past few years.

Council has considered community feedback, investigating the best type of fan to install, the location of fans, and the quantity of fans. 

The fans will work in combination with the existing exhaust system, which extracts hot air out of the stadium and brings cool air from under the stadium up through the floor vents.

Scheduled to commence in early December 2019, these works will involve the installation of 48 fans across all courts.

Council expects these works to be completed before the end of year and will continue planning further improvements for the remaining courts in 2020.

These improvements are in addition to the recent installation of new LED lighting and dehumidification upgrades at Cardinia Life, which have increased the energy efficiency of the aquatic centre. The high efficiency LED lights brighten the pool hall and reduce the energy cost while the dehumidification unit controls the moisture and temperature of the pool area by removing the humid air and supplying fresh conditioned air into the pool area.

For more information about Cardinia Life, visit

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