Harvey Road Ribbon for Road Safety®campaign
Shire of Harvey 6 Dec 2019

The Shire of Harvey, local industry and the South West community are joining together and committed to improving road safety in our community by participating in the WALGA RoadWise Road Ribbon for Road Safety® campaign. The 2019 Harvey Road Ribbon for Road Safety® campaign will run until Friday, 3 January 2020.

To date, more than 18 people have died in the South West region this year, a number we do not accept. We should not accept that anyone should die or be seriously injured on our roads. Zero is achievable and road users must take responsibility for behaving safely, complying with all road rules and supporting local road safety initiatives being implemented by Local Government and RoadWise Committees.

By wearing a free road ribbon and spreading the campaign messages to friends, family and colleagues, you are showing your support and helping to keep road safety high on the agenda as we head into the festive season. Road ribbons are available from the Shire administration offices and libraries.

For more information visit: www.roadwise.asn.au/road-ribbon-for-road-safety.aspx