Construction works are progressing well for Whitsunday Regional Council’s $9.6 million Administration Building in Proserpine.

Mayor Andrew Willcox said the new building will house approximately 120 Council staff and will include the regional Disaster Coordination Centre and a Climate Change Innovation Hub.

“The former Proserpine administration building and chambers were demolished last year after being badly damaged during Tropical Cyclone Debbie,” he said.

“The precast concrete panels for external walls are currently being cast on the site and are scheduled to be erected next weekend.

“Construction of the ground slabs is scheduled for completion in February with structural steel erection for the roof set for completion early April.

“This is exciting for the Proserpine community, and also for our Council staff, who have been operating in temporary offices around the southern part of the region for over two years,” Mayor Willcox said.

“The new resilient Council office will be the main centre for Disaster Coordination in the Whitsunday region, which will be vitally important to all our residents during disaster events.”

“We could not have achieved this without the generous support of the Queensland Government and the Australian Government. This is an excellent example of what can be achieved when local, state and federal government work together.”

Federal Member for Dawson, George Christensen MP, said it was great to contribute to the rebuild of the Whitsunday Regional Council’s new admin centre through the Building Better Regions Fund.

“The Morrison Liberal National Government is contributing $3.6 million towards this Proserpine project which is providing eight jobs during construction and 45 ongoing jobs after completion.

“This is another welcome step forward for the region following the damage caused to key buildings during Cyclone Debbie.”

The Proserpine Administration Building is on track to be completed in late 2020 weather permitting.

To find out more, visit Council’s website.

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