On Sunday 8 December 2019, seven local Volunteer Bush Fire Brigade members were deployed to as part of a South West and Lower South West Task Force to assist with Forrestania fire fighting efforts. The members, whose home brigades include Cowaramup VBFB, Witchcliffe VBFB, Karridale VBFB, Kudardup VBFB and Wallcliffe VBFB weredeployed with the Kudardup 4.4 and the Cowaramup 4.4 fire truck appliances. Shire of Augusta Margaret River Community Emergency Service Manager Adam Jasper said taskforce members been working on frontline firefighting duties as well as strengthening containment lines by back burning. “Thank you to all the brigade members who put up their hands for this deployment and thank you to brigade leadership for helping to put theses crews together at short notice,” he said. “We offer our best regards to both the taskforce members and the fire-affected community of Forrestania. “These fires are stark reminder of the risk of fire to our own community and we urge all our local residents to consider what their own fire plans now. “In the event of fire impacting your property ]consider if you will stay and defend, or if you will evacuate. “There is a wealth of online resources that can help with making a fire plan. “I encourage everyone to take just five minutes with their family members or housemates to consider what actions you will take if you are affected by a fire.” User-friendly fire planning resources are available at https://www.dfes.wa.gov.au/firechat For more information contact the Shire at 9780 5255 or at [email protected] It is expected about half of the South West and Lower South West Task Force members will return home tomorrow (Thursday 12 December 2019), with the remaining deployment members to return home by Sunday 15 December.