Tip Shop opening hours extended
Kyogle Council News 9 Jan 2020

The Kyogle Tip Shop will be open every week from 16 January 2020 during the following times: • Thursday: 9am – 12pm • Friday: 9am – 12pm • Saturday: 9am – 12pm • Sunday: 9am – 12pm.

The Kyogle Resource Innovation Collective (KRIC), operators of the Tip Shop, and Kyogle Council would like to thank the community for their support during the first weeks of operation.

More than 100 people visited the Tip Shop before Christmas, with a significant amount of goods and materials finding a new home instead of ending up in landfill.

If you were lucky enough to receive a new household appliance, tools and gardening equipment, toys, bikes and sporting equipment or home decoration items for Christmas and are wondering what to do with your old things, consider donating them to the Tip Shop.

If you are undertaking some home renovations or a project during the holidays also don’t forget to visit the Tip Shop for second hand building and construction materials or to donate used or leftover materials.

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