Level 4 water restrictions to be introduced at Bonalbo on Monday, 13 January, 2020
Kyogle Council News 9 Jan 2020

Level 4 water restrictions will be introduced at Bonalbo on Monday, 13 January, 2020.

Level 4 restrictions ban residents from using water for all outdoor purposes, apart from the use of recycled grey water, and puts tight controls on the use of water by businesses and schools.

The restrictions will also mean that Council will have to close the Bonalbo pool — with Sunday, 12 January, 2020,  being the last day the pool will open. It will remain closed while Level 4 restrictions are in place.

Bonalbo pool season pass holders will be able to use their pass at the Woodenbong pool and, for the remainder of this season, at the Kyogle pool. Alternatively, Bonalbo pool season pass holders can request reimbursement of half the cost of the pass.

Under Level 4 restrictions, water carters will no longer be able to fill up from the Bonalbo town water supply.

The new restrictions have been imposed by Council in the wake of the steady decline in the storage level at Petrocholis Dam and the lack of flow in Peacock Creek.

Council staff will be closely monitoring water usage and consumption in Bonalbo to ensure compliance with the Level 4 restrictions and that water usage reduction targets are achieved.

Woodenbong remains on Level 3 water restrictions, while Kyogle is currently on Level 2 restrictions.

For further information about what is allowed and not allowed under the various level restrictions, please click here.

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